Floranada Elementary

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Select Image Number Name Teacher/Sponsor Grade Course/Class Act. Date Price
2023-2024 BASCC Activity Fee - Period 9 B0851-1926 B0851-1926 2024-2025 BASCC Activity Fee - Period 9 (04/11/2025 – 05/07/2025) 2024-2025 BASCC Activity Fee - Period 9 (04/11/2025 – 05/07/2025) :Floranada Elementary FIXED After,Before N/A N/A 8/21/2023 $12.00
2023-2024 BASCC Aftercare Full Fee - Period 9 B0851-1935 B0851-1935 2024-2025 BASCC After Care Full Fee - Period 9 (04/11/2025 – 05/07/2025) 2024-2025 BASCC After Care Full Fee - Period 9 (04/11/2025 – 05/07/2025) :Seagull Alternative High School FIXED After,Before N/A N/A 8/21/2023 $253.00
2023-2024 BASCC Aftercare Full & SBBC/Sibling Fee B0851-VAR28 B0851-VAR28 2024-2025 BASCC Aftercare Full & SBBC/Sibling Fee Aftercare Full & SBBC/Sibling Fee Variable :Seagull Alternative High School VARIABLE After,Before N/A N/A 8/21/2023 $0.00
2023-2024 BASCC Late Pick Up Fee B0851-1916 B0851-1916 2024-2025 BASCC Late Pickup Fee Students must be picked up on time. $15 charge for every 15 minutes late. :Seagull Alternative High School FIXED After,Before N/A N/A 8/21/2023 $15.00
2023-2024 BASCC Registration Fee B0851-1917 B0851-1917 2024-2025 BASCC Registration Fee A registration fee is required for each participant. Please add your student's name and student number in the purchaser's notes. :Seagull Alternative High School FIXED After,Before N/A N/A 8/21/2023 $30.00
2023-2024 BASCC SBBC/Sibling Fee - Period 9 B0851-1944 B0851-1944 2024-2025 BASCC SBBC/Sibling Fee - Period 9 (04/11/2025 – 05/07/2025) 2024-2025 BASCC SBBC/Sibling Fee - Period 9 (04/11/2025 – 05/07/2025) :Seagull Alternative High School FIXED After,Before N/A N/A 8/21/2023 $240.00
2023-2024 BASCC Staff Fee/1 Hour - Period 9 B0851-1953 B0851-1953 2024-2025 BASCC Staff Fee/1 Hour - Period 9 (04/11/2025 – 05/07/2025) 2024-2025 BASCC Staff Fee/1 Hour - Period 9 (04/11/2025 – 05/07/2025) :Seagull Alternative High School FIXED After,Before N/A N/A 8/21/2023 $60.00
2025-2026 Pre-K Registration Fee without VPK Certificate B0851-2258 B0851-2258 2025-2026 Pre-K Registration Fee without VPK Certificate Registration fee for the 2025-2026 PRE-K program. This one-time registration fee must be paid to stay in the program for the remainder of the school year. No payments accepted after Wednesday, April 30th! Registration fee without VPK certificate. NON-REFUNDANDABLE. :Seagull Alternative High School FIXED Ruttenberg,Renee N/A N/A N/A $310.00
2025-2026 VPK Registration Fee Full Day with VPK Certificate B0851-2257 B0851-2257 2025-2026 VPK Registration Fee Full Day with VPK Certificate Registration fee for the 2025-2026 VPK program. This one-time registration fee must be paid to stay in the program for the remainder of the school year. No payments accepted after Wednesday, April 30th! Registration fee with VPK certificate. NON-REFUNDANDABLE. :Certification Applications FIXED Ruttenberg,Renee N/A N/A N/A $190.00
24-25 VPK Registration B0851-2078 B0851-2078 24-25 VPK Registration VPK Registration will be sent to Billie Bodine's email address for record keeping. "NO CASH PAYMENTS ACCEPTED" Please add your student's name and student number in the purchaser's notes. *** VPK Registration Fee: NON-refundable. *** Call school for the required student number and registration. :Certification Applications FIXED Ruttenberg,Renee PK N/A 3/23/2024 $240.00
24-25 VPK Tuition Payment Period 9 B0851-2087 B0851-2087 24-25 VPK Tuition Payment Period 9 VPK Tuition Payment Period 9 4/11/25 - 5/7/25 "NO CASH ACCEPTED" :Certification Applications FIXED Ruttenberg,Renee PK N/A 4/11/2025 $600.00
FT-24/25 BCPA SEAS 3rd Gr 4/15/25 B0851-2238 B0851-2238 FT-24/25 BCPA SEAS 3rd Gr 4/15/25 Please click on the drop down button to select teacher. 3rd Grade students will be going to BCPA on 4/15/2025. :Certification Applications FIXED Bitar,Kirsten All N/A N/A $5.00
FT-24/25 Flamingo Gardens KG 4/9/2025 B0851-2182 B0851-2182 FT-24/25 Flamingo Gardens KG 4/9/2025 Please click on the drop down button to select teacher. Kindergarten students will be going to Flamingo Gardens 4/9/2025. :Certification Applications FIXED Wood,Candi All N/A N/A $21.00
FT-24/25 Gabie Bus 2nd Grade 4/17/2025 B0851-2248 B0851-2248 FT-24/25 Gabie Bus 2nd Grade 4/17/2025 Please click on the drop down button to select teacher. 2nd Grade students will be attending Gabie Bus on campus 4/17/2025. :Certification Applications FIXED Nocera,Lourdes 02 N/A N/A $11.00
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